Covert house search


A covert house search is a discreet search of a residence conducted by an adversary when the occupants are not present.

An adversary can conduct a covert house search to:

Generally, when an adversary conducts a covert house search of a residence, they do not want the occupants to know that the operation has taken place. Therefore, in general:

In addition to searching the residence, the adversary can covertly seize garbage from outside the residence in the hope of finding valuable information (e.g., written notes, forensics evidence such as DNA traces).

Used in tactics: Incrimination



In order to carry out a covert house search, an adversary needs to know where you live. If you take the path of clandestinity, they won't know where you live, so a search is less likely.

Physical intrusion detection

A covert house search can be detected with the proper preparation.

Preparing for house raids

You can prepare for a covert house search by minimizing the presence of materials that could be harmful in the event of a search.

Stash spot or safe house

Action materials without a “legitimate” purpose should be kept in a stash spot or safe house, or at worst, should only pass through your house for a very limited time.